Another encounter between the Indian Security forces and terrorists resulted in the death of three Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists at Pulwama district in South Kashmir. The police reported that the encounter lasted for as long as six hours. It was also reported that one Army officer was injured in the operation.

A police official said that the operation began on Wednesday evening in Kakapora area of Pulwama. The attack was conducted after intelligence input revealed that three local boys who were part of the Lashkar-e-Taiba were hiding in a house in the densely populated locality.

The police also informed that the area of Pulwama is said to be filled with a large group of local terrorists. This counter insurgency operation was the first successful encounter in the area. The terrorists are also believed to be aided by a network of overground workers.

The terrorists were identified as locals from the area, Majid Mir, Shriq Ahmad, and Irshad Ahmad. Majid Dar has also been involved in the killing of the district president of Pulwama and the sarpanch of Kakapora.

The attack came as a blow to the Lashkar-e-Taiba group after losing their commander Junaid Mattoo in an encounter at Arwin village on June 17th.

The security forces are still conducting a search operation in the area but the firing has ended.