On Tuesday, Karnataka Chief Minister, Siddaramaiah gave advice to the Police of the State. He said, “You need to be physically strong and capable. Do not grow potbellies like us.”

This small piece of counseling was given to 52 members of the Karnataka State Reserve Police. As a matter of fact, those 52 Police have completed a bicycle tour of the State across 28 districts. Even though the advice was said in a soft tone, it already created room for discussion over the need for the police to maintain their fitness.

According to a popular news channel, Bangalore City Police Commissioner, Praveen Sood made a point that it is upto each police personnel to take care of their fitness. He also added that there is no need to force any police personnel to stay fit. “The department cannot bear pressure on them to maintain their fitness as they have hectic schedules,” he explained.

In fact, this is not the first time police personnel are coming under observation in the country. Previously, in many States, the police force have been commented on their lack of fitness.

The Bihar government revised the policy manual this year, to place more emphasis on fitness while recruiting new police constables. Prior to this incident, the High Court had asked the Kolkata police to produce a report on the physical and mental fitness of its police force.

Retired DG and IG, T. Ramesh said, “The officers should have a habit of going for patrolling instead of sitting at their desk.” He explained that not only junior officers but also senior officers should maintain their fitness.