On Wednesday, a Philippine Air Force plane dropped bombs on Islamic extremists that resulted in killing 11 of their soldiers and wounding several others. Government forces have been struggling to locate the militants that have holed up in the southern city of Marawi.

The military reported on Thursday that a Marchetti S-211 jet was sent out on a bombing run to Marawi city, occupied by militants. Army troops were in close range encounter with the extremists when the bomb hit them.

Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla said that the militants were taking shelter in buildings and houses in the city.

The plane had successfully bombed three other areas killing only extremists before releasing the fourth one that killed their own soldiers.

An investigation is being carried out by the military into the fourth bombing.

Padilla reported, “Despite the stringent procedure followed, there happens even with the best of armed forces, a case of friendly fire hitting our own troops.”

Military Chief of staff Gen. Eduardo Ano has sent an order to the investigation party to avoid another such incident. The order has been given to the remaining government forces with 30 assault air crafts that are heading towards the remaining militants.

The government forces have managed to kill 89 of the extremists and many have even surrendered and are providing the military with intelligence.
In the clash between the military and extremists, 25 soldiers lost their lives along with 5 policemen.