After hundreds protested for weeks against the Secretariat being built at Parade Grounds, finally it paid off. The Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao released a statement and confirmed that the State’s new Secretariat would not be built at Parade Ground but instead at Bison Polo Ground.

The people who regularly use Parade Ground for jogging, walking and sports protested after the government stated the new Secretariat would be built on the ground. People signed a petition and formed a human chain at the ground. They even held up signs and released black balloons.

KCR assured the people by saying, “Neither the TRS government nor KCR will touch Parade Ground. It will continue to remain as an open space for walkers, sportsmen, children, etc.”

But reporters questioned KCR about why a statement from his office claimed that the Secretariat was going to be built at Parade Ground. The Chief Minister just termed it a ‘mistake’ and diverted any follow up questions.

KCR explained that he had asked for land at the Gymkhana Ground and Bison Polo Ground to construct the Secretariat, Legislature and a cultural center.

He also added the Bison Polo Ground was not being used by the army.

KCR also reported, “In fact, we are eyeing 55 acres of land for the new Secretariat. This will include 33 acres of Bison Polos grounds and 22 acres of adjacent Gymkhana Grounds. We have received in principal approval from the Union Defence Ministry for being handed over the Bison Polo grounds… We plan to build a world class Secretariat, a joint legislature building and Kala Bharati with a sprawling garden for state celebrations. The structures would be iconic.”

At present, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Local Military Authority (LMA) have control over the two grounds.