Hyderabad has introduced a new penalty point system for breaking traffic rules. Frequent traffic violations will lead to suspension of the driving license.

The new system will be launched on August 1st by the Hyderabad Traffic Police. The point system varies from one to five depending on the violation.

Hyderabad’s Commissioner of Police released an official statement that said, “The Penalty Point System is being introduced for the first time in India to inculcate self discipline among commuters with a view to transforming Hyderabad city into a safe place for commuting and a delightful place for driving. The implementation of the Penalty Point System shall come into effect from 01.08.2017.“

The new system will suspend a driving license after it reaches 12 points within 24 months. Once the suspension is lifted if the driver accumulates another 12 points the license will be suspended for three years.

Hyderabad City Police Commissioner M. Mahender Reddy reported, “A severe violation will add more points than a less severe one. This kind of system is being introduced for the first time in India in Hyderabad, Cyberabad and Rachakonda.”

Citizens have the option of taking a driving course once their license is suspended to lower the accumulated points. The learner’s license will be canceled if it gathers five points.

The E-Challan database by the Hyderabad Police has now been linked to the M-Wallet App. Once the vehicle receives a penalty point an SMS will be sent to the vehicles owner number and a notification on the app making it easier to pay the fine online.