Rohit Shekhar Tiwari’s wife, Apoorva Shukla, was arrested by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Crime Branch, on the 24th of April, for the murder of her husband. Before being taken into custody, Apoorva Shukla was recently detained by the Delhi Police and questioned for close to three days, so the police could ascertain the facts leading up to the murder.

Based on an autopsy report, the Delhi Police filed a murder charge on the 18th of April and transferred the case to the Crime Branch. Rohit Shekhar Tiwari, the son of late N.D. Tiwari, was brought dead to the hospital on the 16th of April.

Initially, the police thought Rohit Tiwari’s death was due to a cardiac arrest, but later findings revealed, the death was because of asphyxia. When Rohit’s mother, Ujjwala Tiwari, got the call about her son not being well, she was at a hospital.

The moment she reached home, she saw her son was bleeding from the nose and was in bad shape. Ujjwala immediately called for an ambulance and took her son to the hospital, where he was declared dead on arrival.

On the 19th of April, the Delhi police conducted a thorough investigation and interviewed Apoorva Shukla and the domestic help. The police only arrested Apoorva Shukla after they realised her statements were contradictory to what others said and to what she previously said as well.

According to the police, Rohit’s domestic help said Apoorva and Rohit had a terrible fight over the phone a few hours before his death. At the time of Rohit’s death, Apoorva, the domestic help and Rohit’s brother, Siddharth, were inside the house.

The SIT made the arrest after a thorough investigation was conducted and after the police completed a thorough viewing of the CCTV footage.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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