The former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment over corruption charges. The Court found him guilty of corruption related to purchase of overseas properties by his family.

Sharif’s daughter who was widely known as his political heir was also found guilty. Maraim Nawaz was sentenced to 7 years while her husband Captain Safdar got a 1 year jail sentence.

The verdict was delivered by Judge Mohammad Bashir in an accountability Court in Pakistan on Friday. According to the verdict, the Pakistan State will gain possession of the Sharif family properties in London.

Last July Sharif was disqualified to hold public office leading to his resignation. This was prompted by the Panama Papers leak revealing his family’s finances. The High Court stated Sharif was dishonest to the Parliament and to the judicial system.

The father and daughter were both heavily fined by the Court. Sharif was instructed to pay $ 10 million while his daughter was fined $ 2.6 million.

Nawaz Sharif requested the Court to delay the verdict by a week but his request was denied. The two are presently in London as Sharif’s wife is battling throat cancer.

Also Read: Pakistan Supreme Court Disqualifies Nawaz Sharif’s Plea