After probably 66 years of debates, discussions, denunciations and disagreements finally,the Bermuda Triangle mystery might have been solved. The Devil’s Triangle that claimed at least 1000 lives, with the disappearances of 75 planes and over a 100 ships, now might have an explanation to it all.

The triangle covers a varying area of 500,000 to 1,510,000 square miles with the three coordinates at Miami Florida, San Juan Puerto Rico and the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda. The earliest occurrences of mysterious mishaps started way back in 1492 when Christopher Columbus, while on his ambitious voyage to find India, found strange lights and compass readings as he passed by the region. In 1950 The Miami Herald wrote about it and coined the word,’Bermuda Tringle.’ Since then, people have talked about it with much interest and indecision pondering upon various reason as to why the travelers never return. Explanations were exaggerated from eerie paranormal activity to extra-terrestrial beings’ hand at play. But none came close to a practical answer.


Until now! Scientists are now claiming that some peculiar hexagonal clouds are creating “air-bombs” with winds of up to 170 mph that could be responsible for hundreds of unsolved incidents at sea. These “air bursts” are so powerful that they supposedly can devastate any ship in a matter of seconds. To corroborate the fact, researchers have noticed large scale clouds appearing over the western tip of the dangerous island of Bermuda, ranging from 20 to 55 miles. Meteorologist Randy Cerveny said the hexagonal shapes over the ocean “are in essence air bombs.” “They are formed by what are called microbursts and they’re blasts of air that come down out of the bottom of a cloud and then hit the ocean. These environmental factors create waves that can sometimes be massive in size as they start to interact with each other,” he explained.

On the flip side, some scientists scorn over this hypothesis and say that it isn’t plausible to compare the cloud patterns of two geographical areas that are so disparate. “When I look at a hexagonal cloud shape in the Bahamas, this is not the cloud signature of what a microburst looks like. You would normally have one large to extremely large thunderstorm that wouldn’t have an opening in the middle.” said the NBC meteorologist Kevin Corriveau. Others have pointed that these number of disappearances are “relatively insignificant” when it comes to the large number of ships and planes that pass through the treacherous triangle.

So the mystery still seems vaguely solved for the time being while higher minds search for an explanation that encompasses all the mysterious features of this phenomenon that has baffled us.

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