Communist Party of India (CPI) Maoist, Kundan Pahan surrender to the police on Sunday. The dreaded leader is facing 128 cases against him with a reward of Rs. 15 lakh on his head.

The Maoist leader has been accused of the killing of Special Branch Inspector Francis Indwar in the year 2008. He was also involved in the robbery of Rs. 5 crores from an ICICI cash van in the same year.

There are further allegations of his involvement in the Baliba ambush in Saranda. He has also been accused of killing DSP Pramod Kumar at Pundigir near Bundu in Ranchi District in the year 2008.

Pahan who uses aliases such as Vikash and Ashish surrendered to R.K. Malik, Additional Director General of Police, Sanjay Lathkar, CRPF and Deputy Inspector General, A.V. Homkar in Rachi. Kundan Pahan’s family members were present while he surrendered.

R.K. Malik congratulated the team of inspectors in convincing Pahan to surrender, “True repentance is to accept one’s mistakes.” Malik also appealed to all the extremist organizations in India to give up their indulgence in violence and join the mainstream.

Kundan Pahan showed remorse and guilt and acknowledged that he wasted 20 years. But for his transgressions, he would like to help in the development of the State. “Directly or Indirectly I take responsibility for the incidents,” Pahan said.

Kundan Pahan offered information about the Maoist group and reported that the senior Maoist sent their children abroad for education and indulged in extortion.