Sushma Swaraj, the Minister of External Affairs, on the 7th of May, reacted to remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, by Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister (CM) of West Bengal (WB.)

Mamata Banerjee, on the 7th of May, addressed a public rally in Santuri of Purulia, WB and said, “Money does not matter to me. That is why when Narendra Modi came to Bengal and accused my party of being
tolabaaz, I wanted to give him a tight slap of democracy.”

The comments of Ms. Banerjee came after the Bharatiya Janata Party claimed, the Trinamool Congress (TMC) stands for triple T, Trinamool Tolabaazi Tax.

In Bengali tolabaaz is termed as organised extortion, an abusive word, following which Ms. Banerjee said, she would like to give a tight slap of democracy to PM Modi.

Ms. Banerjee angry over the tolabaaz comment said, “If I am a tolabaaz, what are you? Your entire body, from head to feet is drenched in the blood of people. Only riots, only riots and only riots.”

Ms. Swaraj, a BJP member, lashed out at Banerjee and said, “Mamataji, you crossed all limits today. You are the Chief Minister of a state and Modiji is the country’s Prime Minister. You have to talk to him tomorrow. This is why I would like to remind you of a couplet written by Bashir Badr: Rage all you want but I just have this one request from you, do not feel ashamed when we have to become friends again someday.”

Swaraj took to Twitter and posted the comments with the poetry of Bashir Badr.

In 2019 Lok Sabha elections, it feels like criticism is the key to success. All the political parties are trying to defame the opposition instead of highlighting their existence in the fray.

This is not the first time, the bitter relationship of PM Modi and Ms. Banerjee is in the news. Previously, also both the leaders shared heated words and criticism for each other on social media platforms.

The Lok Sabha elections started from the 11th of April and will continue till the 19th of May.

The results of the Lok Sabha elections will be declared on the 23rd of May 2019.

Stay tuned for further updates about the Lok Sabha elections.