Shatrughan Sinha, after three decades of being an active member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP,) joined the Indian National Congress (INC,) on the 6th of April.

Randeep Singh Surjewala, an INC spokesperson, and K.C. Venugopal, the Party General Secretary, were present when Sinha was sworn into the INC.

During the ceremony, Venugopal said, “The best politician of the Country is joining the Indian National Congress today. The best politician was in the wrong party, now he’s in the right party. This election is going to be a fight against an anti democratic, anti development Modi Government.”

This induction comes after Sinha met Rahul Gandhi, the INC President, on the 29th of March, in New Delhi.

Sinha took the decision to leave the BJP with a heavy heart. After being sidelined and not given a ticket for the current Lok Sabha elections because he constantly criticised the policies of the Modi Government, Sinha realised it was time for a change.

According to Sinha, the BJP is no longer working to make India a democratic country. With regard to this, during a press conference at the INC headquarters, Sinha said, “I saw democracy changing into dictatorship in the BJP. It has become (a) one man party and two man show. The Congress played the biggest role in bringing India’s Independence. It was wholly and solely responsible for freeing India from the colonial rule.”

A two time sitting Member of Parliament from Bihar, Sinha was with the BJP for three decades, before quitting. Sinha looks forward to a long and successful relationship with the INC.

This switch comes mere days before the seven phased Lok Sabha elections, scheduled to start on the 11th of April and end on the 19th of May.

The results of the elections will be declared on the 23rd of May.

Stay tuned for more updates about the Lok Sabha elections.


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