A Special Central Bureau of Investigation awarded the capital punishment to 2 Kerala cops who were proven guilty in the 2005 custodial death case. The 2 officers were convicted of beating Udayakumar, a scrapyard employee to death in 2005.

A total of 5 policemen were convicted in the case on Tuesday the first and second accused were sentenced to death and ordered to pay a fine of Rs. 2 lakhs. Former Assistant Sub Inspector K. Jithakumar and Civil Police Officer S. V. Sreekumar were instructed to give the fine to Udayakumar’s mother.

On Tuesday, the CBI Special Judge J. Nazar held three former police officers Assistant Commissioner T. K. Haridas, Circle Inspector E. K. Sabu and Sub Inspector Ajith Kumar. The three were convicted of conspiracy by registering a false case against the victim to cover up his death.

E. K. Sabu and T. Ajith Kumar were given 6 years each in prison while Haridas got off with three years in jail. Udayakumar’s mother Prabhavati modestly said, “God has finally answered my prayers.” She further added, “No police officer should dare to torture anyone like this under the garb of their uniform. I pray to god that no son should ever have to undergo such brutal torture at the hands of the police.”

However, the elaborate Constitution allows the accused to challenge the Court’s sentencing. The death of Udayakumar comes under what the Court calls ‘rarest of rare cases’ which deserve the capital punishment. The accused in the horrifying Nirbhaya Rape Case were also awarded the capital punishment.

The accused in the Udayakumar case will appeal the Court to reconsider the punishment however the Court might not agree. The Supreme Court denied the rapists appeal in the Nirbhaya Case earlier this month. The Indian Judicial system is handling unnatural and unlawful deaths with stringent consequences. Each case will hopefully set an example to the rest.