In what we might call as a sweet little show of karma, ISIS leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was poisoned during a feast along with three of his top commanding officials. The chief leader fell seriously ill due to this attempt on his life by an unknown assassin.

After the poisoned people were shifted to a secret location for medical aid, ISIS launched a search and destroy campaign looking for the person responsible, resulting in a series of arrests. Earlier this year, there were rumours circulating that Baghdadi had been killed in one of the many airstrikes but those reports turned out to be false and inaccurate. Not only is Baghdadi very much alive, but so continues his reign of terror in Iraq and Syria.

ISIS Leader Baghdadi

The news of the poisoning comes with another claim that 16 jihadis, including top ISIS authorities were killed when a malfunction occurred in the belt of one of the militants carrying explosives. The bomb supposedly detonated due to a defect at a high level meeting in Hawija, between Mosul and Baghdad. The meeting was held to prepare for an attack on the positions of the security forces in Hamrin Mountains, al-Zawiya area and Ajil area in Salahuddin Province.

Abu Baghdadi, real name Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim, and known as the Caliph by his followers, is the man behind thousands of murders, one of the goriest that history has seen. He broke away from the myth surrounding Al-Qaeda only to make another organization much more lethal – ISIS. Now the chief Caliph walks around with a bounty of 10 million dollars on his head and blame of bloodshed of many more souls on his shoulders.