ISIS has proved to be the most monstrous terror group in the world. Vian Dakhil is an Iraqi Minister of Parliament and revealed a horrifying story during an interview on Egypt’s Extra News TV.

Ms. Vian Dakhil started with, “One woman retrieved from ISIS said she was held in a cellar for three days without food or anything. Afterward, they brought her a plate of rice and meat and she ate the food because she was very hungry.”

She went on to say, “When she finished, they said ‘we cooked your one year old son… and this is what you just ate.”

This barbaric act by Daesh left even the reporter tearing up. The minister held back her tears while she explained the horrors her people have endured.

The victim is a follower of the Yazidi faith which is a monotheistic religion. The religion worships a Peacock Angel called Melek Taus.

Daesh has been on a mass genocidal campaign against this faith since the year 2014 calling them devil worshipers.

Ms. Dakhil is also a Yazidi and she further went on to speak of another incident where Daesh captured six sisters. She said with agony in her voice, “One of the girls said that they took six of her sisters. Her youngest sister, a 10 year old girl, was raped to death in front of her family.”

Daesh has been slaughtering the Yazidi women who refuse to convert to Islam. The terrorist group has been trying to play god and meddle in the lives of innocent people. Such an  inhumane ideology and ghoulish behavior that Daesh subjects its victims makes us want to respond in the same manner to them.  This visceral reaction is but natural, but is there a better solution to this kind of horror?