On the 17th of April, more than 190 million Indonesians are going to take part in the largest one day elections conducted in the world. The elections are going to decide not only who the new President of the Country is going to be, but also who the new members of the Parliament are  as well.

The Indonesian elections were conducted over a period of eight hours and were spread across 5,000 km.

A rehashing of the elections which took place in the year 2014, the Indonesian elections see current President Joko Widodo taking on ex general Prabowo Subianto.

Polling for the elections began at 7 A.M., on the 17th and closed at 1 P.M. The voters were given five ballot papers for President, Vice President, national and regional legislative candidates.

According to the election analysts, both Widodo and Prabowo haven’t made majorly different promises during their campaigns. The only primary difference is their policies about investments from China and how it will affect the relationship between the countries. As 80 % of the population in Indonesia is majorly Muslim, both the contestants also promised to make a note of the change of religious preference compared to the year 2016.

While the results for the polls were very close during the last term, analysts say this election will see the current President win with a majority.

The unofficial results for the polls will be declared a couple of hours after the elections end. The official results, on the other hand, will be formally released in May this year. Any disputes with the results can be taken up with the Constitutional Court and a panel consisting of 9 judges will take a decision in 14 days.

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