On the 22nd of May, a SU 30 MKI flight equipped with the BrahMos hypersonic missile, took off from a base in South India. Accurately hitting a land based target within a range of 300kms, the BrahMos missile gave the Indian Air Force (IAF) a much needed edge. After being dropped from its designated point, the flight successfully completed the attack by hitting a target which was set on the Car Nicobar island.

“The launch from the aircraft was smooth and the missile followed the desired trajectory before directly hitting the land target,” IAF spokesperson Group Capt. Anupam Banerjee said.

With the improvements and modifications, the BrahMos missile gives the Indian Air Force a much needed boost and a larger range to strike. The modified missile can now attack any target, both on land and on the sea with complete pinpoint accuracy, during day or night, irrespective of the weather conditions.

BrahMos is a joint venture between the Indian and the Russian Government. As part of this venture, BrahMos produces cruise missiles which can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft, and also from land platforms.

At the moment, 11 warships from the Indian Navy are equipped with the BrahMos missile. With the Army being in possession of three variants of these missiles, the addition of such capability to the IAF, makes India the only country in the world to have a hypersonic missile trio. As India works on creating its own indeginious target detection systems, it plans on reducing dependency on Russia, especially when it comes to BrahMos.

At present, the IAF has only two aircrafts with the weapon on board. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., is working on equipping four more SU 30MKIs with the missiles. According to reports from the IAF, 40 aircrafts are expected to carry the BrahMos missile by the year 2020.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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