A Metropolitan Court will announce the quantum of punishment for the accused Akbar Ismail Choudhary and Anique Shafique Syeed today. The two were found guilty in the Hyderabad twin bomb blast in the year 2007.

The Court convicted the third accused of the case. The third accused Tariq Anjum was convicted by the Special Court for providing shelter to the others convicted in the case.

The eleven year old case will finally come to a judgement today. The twin blast was a massive explosion at Gokul Chat and Lumbini Park. The blast claimed the lives of 44 people and left 68 injured.

The third accused Tariq Anjum was convicted by the Court today. The investigation in the case recorded 170 statements of the witnesses. The three others named in the charge sheets filed by the police included Indian Mujahideen’s founder Riyaz Bhatkal, his brother Iqbal, and Amir Reza Khan who are absconding.

The case was investigated by the Counter Intelligence (CI) wing of the Telangana Police. They concluded that the blast was the handiwork of the Indian Mujahideen (IM) operatives Riyaz Baikal and Iqbal Bathkal who are the absconding accused in the case.

According to sources, the accused were charged under Section 302 (Murder) and other relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code (IPC.) The charges included sections of the Explosive Substances Act in connection with the twin blasts on the 25th of August 2007. It also included the recovery of an unexploded bomb found under a foot over the bridge in Hyderabad’s Dilsuknagar area.

The special public prosecutor, who represented the Counter Intelligence (CI) wing of the Telangana Police Seshu Reddy said, “The prosecution will seek capital punishment for the convicts.”

Whereas, the defence counsels said they would challenge the verdict in the High Court. The Court will be announcing the quantum of punishment for the accused later today. Apart from the sentencing, the Court will also give a verdict on the third accused Tariq Anjum.