Hyderabad: The suspected ISIS have confessed to National Investigation Agency and Telangana Intelligence officials that they had planned “mass killing” in the city before Eid.

The suspected included Ibrahim brothers and Ilyas Yazdani were waiting for their leader Shafi Armar to give them the final instructions on making bombs blast from Syria over video call or Skype in their house.
“Shafi used to show how to make the bombs and they used electronic scales to weigh the IED ingredients,” said an official. The suspected were awaiting orders from Shafi and fixed July 2, Saturday to carry out the terror strikes in Hyderabad.
ISIS Planned 'Massive Killing' On July 2, Stored Explosives In Kitchen
A source in the TS Intelligence department said, “They had purchased firearms and some explosives in Maharashtra and other chemicals like urea and Hydrogen Peroxide in Hyderabad. They had gloves, masks, electronic balance and other material to make Improvised Explosive Devices. This shows that they were ready to strike.”

A senior officer said, that when the NIA and Hyderabad Police raided his residence, they discovered that the kitchen utensils were used to store explosives including Urea, Hydrogen Peroxide, Ammonium Nitrate and Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP). TATP is a high grade explosive that can be used in making of Hydrogen Peroxide. Their handling and temperature is extremely important.

Six of the 11 people who were arrested by the NIA were released on Wednesday night after no evidence was found against them. Sources said that the six were picked up on suspicion that they were close to the five arrested IS men. NIA officials had also searched the houses of the six but had not found anything incriminating against them. They also do not have any criminal background.

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