A 28 year old was hacked to death because of food at an engagement party in Hyderabad. The incident took place at around 1:30 A.M., on Sunday at a function hall in Hussaini Alam in the city.  

During the dinner party for groom Taj and bride Raziya Sultana a fight broke out between a few drunk guests and the caterers. The drunk accused Ashfaq Ali Khan harassed the caterers to serve food. The caterers tried to explain the food was almost over but Ashfaq began threatening the catering staff.

The bride’s cousin Mohammed Anwar intervened to calm the situation but things took a turn for the worst. Ashfaq along with his accomplices chased Anwar and hacked him to death with knives.

The police have Ashfaq in custody and a case for murder has been registered against the main culprit. Ashfaq’s six accomplices have absconded and the police have sent a search party nab them. The two families decided to call of the wedding after the gruesome incident.