On Sunday, Jaipur was as hot as 43 degree Celsius, affecting not just the people but the animals in the area as well. A horse went into a frenzy and crashed into the windshield of a moving car. The accident left the horse and the driver injured.

Men from the forest department and people from the area of Hasanpura struggled in the attempt to rescue the horse and the driver.

In the Hasanpura area, a tangawala (horse rider) tied the horse at the roadside. The caretaker of the horse gave him a bag full of hay to eat and relax. The food packet managed to get stuck on the horse’s face blocking his eyesight. The heat was already making horse go berserk and he got even more furious when the bag got stuck on his head.

The horse managed to break away from the pole to which he was tied and ran around the area scaring people on the streets.

The horse then dashed into a motorcyclist and then jumped on to the car crashing into the windshield.

The freak accident caused, Pankaj Joshi, the driver some injuries.

As soon as the incident took place locals rushed to the rescue of the man and the horse. Soon following them were the forest department who aided in the rescue mission. Pankaj was discharged from the hospital after being given necessary first aid, while the horse is still in recovery.

The doctor treating the horse, Dr. Arvind Mathur said, “The horse reacted in such a manner due to the intense heat. The fact that it was unable to see when tied to the pole also irked the animal. It suffered some injuries but there is nothing serious.”