The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton was held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. Lester Holt anchored the show.



Forty three days before the U.S., elections, the highly awaited debate finally took place between Mr. Donald Trump and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, which did not disappoint the viewers. Here’s a brief look of the discussion they had.

Donald Trump started hitting Hillary for ‘creating ISIS’ and supporting the Iran Nuclear Deal, which he claimed led the country to develop nuclear weapons.



The Anchor asked Trump to explain his comment about Hillary Clinton not having a ‘Presidential Look’. Trump said Hillary doesn’t have the stamina to become a president. Hillary countered that by citing her experience of travelling to 112 countries, negotiating peace deals, cease fire agreements and spent 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee.

Trump Comments on Women :

Clinton reminded voters about Trump’s comments on women specifically referring to them as ‘pigs,’ ‘dogs’ and ‘slobs.’ She also stated Trump considers ‘pregnancy’ an inconvenience to business owners and one of the worst things which can happen to a beautiful woman. Also he addressed a contestant in a beauty contest as “Miss Piggy.”



Hillary’s negative ads on Trump:

Donald Trump showcased Hillary spending hundreds of millions of dollars spreading negative publicity about him.

Birtherism :

Donald Trump was asked to explain why he kept projecting the first black President as not being a citizen of America. Even though Mr. Obama submitted his birth certificate after he became President in 2011, proving he was indeed born in Hawaii. Trump simply answered that because of him, Obama submitted the birth certificate.



Decrease in Taxes :

Donald Trump said under his plan he would reduce around 15% to 35% for small businesses and big companies. Hillary Clinton said the plan Donald has put forth would be trickle down economics all over again. She called it ‘trumped up trickle-down.’


Tax Returns :

Finally, Hillary took the point up stating that Donald Trump has paid nothing to the federal taxes which means zero for troops and zero for veterans.

Hillary’s finishing line of this debate was, “I think Donald has just been criticizing me for preparing for this debate, and yes, I did! And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be President.”

