Girl robbed

Girl robbed

Hyderabad, Another attack on a defenseless woman. According to the police, a girl was robbed of her money and jewellery near an ATM by an unidentified man here on Wednesday.

Time of the incident: Around 7.30 a.m

Place of the incident: State Bank Of India ATM in Yousufguda area in Hyderabad.

Details of the incident: According to the police, the incident took place while the girl was withdrawing money. The man was armed with a unidentified Gun and fired 2 rounds and escaped with money and jewellery.

The victim lodged a complaint with police. as soon the incident happened, senior police officials rushed to the scene. The police are now trying to calm the busy area, as the traffic was blocked for nearly 2 kilometers.

The Police issued a statement that they were scanning the images from CCTV cameras in and around the ATM to identify robber.

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