In Bindapur in Southwest Delhi, a property dispute resulted in the death of an 80 year old man, Indra Singh. On Sunday morning, the 54 year old son in law of Indra Singh, Vijender Singh was arrested for allegedly strangling his father in law to death in the man’s house.

Seven hours after committing the crime, Vijender Singh went to the Bindapur police station and confessed. He explained to the police that a property dispute had begun between him and his father in law a few months ago.

The police registered the complaint and arrested him immediately. The police then sent a team to the scene of the crime and retrieved the body.

The police reported Vijender told them that his father in law was alone at home when he strangled him. They further added that the man pondered over his action after the crime and decided to surrender.

The property dispute started over the confusion of a name. Indra Singh was growing old and decided to give a house he owned to his son’s son named Hemant. Coincidentally, Vijender’s son’s name is also Hemant. The cost of the house is around 70 to 80 lakhs.

The police received a complaint a month ago from Indra Singh claiming that his son in law and his daughter tricked him into transferring the property to their son’s name.

An officer reported, “Singh trusted Vijender and asked him to get the transfer documents made. Vijender allegedly conned him to get the property registered in his own son’s name. When Singh figured it out, he approached us and we booked Vijender and his family for cheating,”

Vijender was arrested for conning his father in law and put in prison for 26 days before getting put on bail. The police explained that Vijender planned to kill Indra Singh as revenge and to regain the property.

Vijender Singh has been charged under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) section 302 for murder. Surender Kumar, Deputy Commissioner of Police confirmed the accused was arrested on Sunday after his confessions.