Palm Sunday which was due to bring peace in Egypt brought instead an uproar of dual attacks outside Coptic Churches. An explosion at St. George’s Coptic Church in Tanta, killed 27 people. Hours later, a blast outside St. Mark’s Coptic Church in Alexandria left 17 dead.

Egypt Tanta Attack

The first explosion took place in Tanta, 95 kms off Cairo, at the altar of the Church. It is yet not clear whether it was through a suicide bomber. The second blast was at Alexandria where Pope Tawadros II was attending a mass. But fortunately, the bomber was stopped at the entrance of the building where the device detonated. The blasts appear to have been timed for maximum impact, as people gathered to mark Palm Sunday. It is one of the holiest days in the Christian calendar, marking the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.

Alexandria Church Attack Egypt

Islamic State claimed responsibility for both bombings through its Amaq news agency. This is another added cruelty on the part of the extremist organization that has been claiming responsibility for blasts in the past too. President Abdel Fattah al Sisi condemned the attacks and said the state of emergency would be introduced after legal measures were taken. “Egyptians have foiled plots and efforts by countries and fascist, terrorist organisations that tried to control Egypt.” This is among the many atrocities against the minorities although the world leaders are now coming out in support of them.

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