A large cyst was successfully removed from a 41 year old woman by doctors in a private hospital.

“The cyst — 8 cm x 8 cm in size and weighing around 200 gm — was found in the portion of the brain, which controls speech and limb movement. Both functions were impaired prior to the surgery but now there is a significant improvement,” said Dr. Mukesh Pandey, senior neurosurgeon at the Faridabad based Asian Institute of Medical Sciences.

The doctors opened the skull of the patient to remove the cyst. “We removed the cyst from the left side of the patient’s brain without breaking or damaging the soft tissues of the vital organ,” Pandey added.

The diagnosis revealed that it was formed due to a parasitic infection. It happens when the patient comes in direct contact with animals which are infected by Echinococcus, a parasite, or because of eating unhygienic and contaminated food.

“This type of hard structure and size was not reported in medical literature earlier,” said Pandey.

A neurosurgeon, Dr. Kamal Verma explained that one way to avoid the parasite is by keeping your surroundings clean, ensuring sanitation and clean drinking water.

“After I was told about my wife’s condition, I thought her survival would be difficult. But now I am extremely thankful to the doctors for her successful operation,” said the patient’s husband, Mintlal Yadav.

“My mother was unable to talk to me or recognize me earlier, but after the operation, she can see everything clearly,” said the couple’s 15 year-old son.