According to Egyptian officials, 10 security troops were killed in a car bomb that went off at a military checkpoint in the Sinai Peninsula. This blast was followed by intense gunfire between the attackers and the troops.

The officials released a statement that the violence ensued after a suicide car bomber hit his vehicle into the checkpoint at the Rafah village of el-Barth. More than a dozen masked militants who were on foot then initiated a gun battle injuring many. Egyptian Army spokesman Tamer el-Rifai also refused from releasing a statement about the attack till further details were known.

Of the 10 troops that died, one of them was a high ranking special forces officer Col. Ahmed el-Mansi. The gunfire resulted in grave injuries to 20 others. The officials were prohibited from releasing any information. Also, no group claimed responsibility for the attack as yet.

Over the last few years, Egypt stepped up their security after repeated attacks and infiltrations from the Daesh and its affiliates.