The Calcutta High Court (HC,) on Friday, cancelled its order which gave Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) the permission to conduct its rath yatras, in West Bengal.

A single judge bench of the HC, comprising of Tapabrata Chakraborty, on Thursday, gave the approval to the BJP to conduct its rath yatras in West Bengal and directed the Party to conduct the rallies peacefully.

The approval of the single judge bench for the BJP’s rath yatra came after the Trinamool Congress (TMC) and Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal, on the 15th of December, denied the permission for the same. The reason cited for the denial were intelligence reports which state, the BJP will disturb the communal harmony of the State during the yatras.

Following the verdict given by the single judge bench of the HC, the State Government challenged the court’s decision. Debasish Kargupta, the Chief Justice and Justice Shampa Sarkar, reviewed the appeal immediately as the case was of an urgent nature.

The case then came before a larger bench of HC judges, who ordered the single judge bench to go through the case once again, considering the 36 intelligence inputs given by the State administration.

The Calcutta HC will close on account of winter holidays from today onward, putting the case on hold until the first week of January, unless the case is sent to a vacation bench.

Stay tuned for further updates about the story.