Back in 2014, the Islamic extremist militant group Boko Haram kidnapped 276 girls from their school hostel while they were asleep. Around 50 girls managed to escape in the last three years.

The girls were taken from the northeastern Chibok area and 82 have been released in exchange for prisoners of the militant group.

The group’s main agenda of kidnapping the school girls is to instill their Islamic religious ways. The aggressive group does not believe in educating women but instead in getting them married.

The girls abducted by Boko Haram are forced to convert to Islam and are either married to the group’s members or sold into slavery. The ones that remain with the group are used to carry ammunition to the front lines during their fights. Some of the girls are made to kill for the group as well. People also fear Boko Haram is now using the girls as suicide bombers. 

The Nigerian government thanked Switzerland and the International Committee of Red Cross for securing the release of the 82 girls. The girls will be welcomed by the President of Nigeria at the capital, Abuja.

The Nigerian President Buhari reported, “Let me reassure Nigerians, especially relatives and friends of the remaining girls that the Federal Government will spare no effort to see that they and all other Nigerians who have been abducted safely regain their freedom.”

Boko Haram has been terrorizing the Northern part of Nigeria for years that has resulted in the deaths of more than 1500 civilians. The group targets churches and families of faiths other than Muslims. The group is adamant to take control and Nigeria and establish an Islamic rule.


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