On the 22nd of June, a team of police found hundreds of human skeletons in a forest near Sri Krishna Medical College (SKMC) and Hospital, Muzaffarpur, Bihar.

An investigation team of SKMC, with the police, reached the forest behind the Government run SKMC Hospital and discovered the skeletal remains.

Dr. Vipin Kumar of the SKMC Hospital said, “Skeletal remains have been found here. Detailed information will be provided by the Principal.”

The postmortem department is responsible for the dead bodies which are not claimed by any family members within 72 hours. The department is required to either bury the bodies or burn them, but the remains of the bodies in the forest suggest the department was simply dumping the bodies in the open.

Janak Paswan, a caretaker of SKMC Hospital, said, “After postmortem, all the bodies are dumped in the forest behind the hospital. I never tried to ask the authorities about these skeletons.”

S.K. Shahi, the Superintendent of Police, said, he will inform the Hospital authorities regarding the skeletons and ask the head of the postmortem department to call for an urgent inquiry regarding the same.

This discovery about the SKMC Hospital dumping bodies comes at a time when a large number of kids in the State are suffering from Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES.)

AES or ‘chamki fever’ is a viral fever which killed approximately 150 children in Muzaffarpur and its neighbouring districts in Bihar.

The Government of Bihar is silent and not taking the necessary steps to handle the situation.

The dumping of skeletons is being considered as another cruel action by the SKMC Hospital, after their reported negligence towards children suffering from AES in Bihar.

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