The Congress was attacked by the BJP party after a 2 year old girl died in an ambulance stopped by protesters in Bihar. The critically ill girl was being taken to the hospital when the vehicle was stopped by Bharat Bandh supporters.

BJP’s Ravi Shankar Prasad lashed out at the party and said, “It’s the essence of democracy that hospitals, ambulances, and medicine shops are allowed to function without any hindrance. But, with the death of 2 year old in Bihar today, an environment of fear is being created.”

The politician clearly stated this bandh was a flop show and just portrayed violence. Mr. Shankar went on to question Congress Chief Rahul Gandhi who was responsible for the death of the child.

Amid the violence, the Andhra Pradesh Government delivered good news for the people of the State. They announced a reduction of Rs. 2 for a liter of petrol and diesel. The Government said the new rates would be in effect by tomorrow morning. The Rajasthan Government also delivered similar announcement but with a reduction of Rs. 2.5 for a liter of petrol and diesel.

This Bharat Bandh was called to protest the price hike in petrol and diesel. However, the situation has turned violent with supporters bullying buses to get off the road and burning tyres to prove a point. This violence just created widespread panic among civilians especially in Bengaluru, Pune, Odisha and Mumbai.