The Supreme Court deferred the hearing of petitions challenging Article 35A constitutional validity. The Article 35A empowers the Jammu and Kashmir State Assembly to define the state’s permanent residents along with their rights.  

The Apex Court decided to push the hearing to the 19th of January 2019. This comes after the Central Government and the State Administration requested adjournment and hear the petitioners after the local body elections in December.  

Supreme Court Advocate Varun Kumar announced the new date for the hearing. The matter was addressed by a three judge bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra along with Justice D. Y. Chandrachud and Justice A. M. Khanwilkar.

Appearing in front of the bench and representing Jammu and Kashmir, Additional Solicitor General Tushar Mehta stated, “All the security agencies are engaged in the preparation of the local body elections in the state.”

Representing the Center, Attorney General of India K. K. Venugopal urged the Court to defer the hearing. He was quoted as saying, “Let local body elections finish in a peaceful manner.”

The Article 35A disallows people from residing in Jammu and Kashmir, owning or buying immovable property, get state government jobs or settle permanently in the troubled state.