The Aligarh Police, on the 6th of June, transferred the murder case of a two and a half year old girl to the Fast Track Court (FTC) for a speedy trial in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh (UP.)

On the 31st of May, the two accused, Zahid and Aslam, kidnapped the two and a half year old Twinkle from Tappal, UP.

When she did not come back home from her relatives’ place, Twinkle’s parents filed a First Information Report (FIR.)

After searching for two days, on the 2nd of June, the Tappal Police found her dead body in a dumpyard in Tappal. According to the postmortem report, Twinkle died due to strangulation. The reports also revealed she was not raped, as claimed by social media users.

Speaking about the reason, as per the initial investigation, Twinkle was murdered due to a money dispute between her family and Zahid. Zahid, with the help of Aslam, kidnapped Twinkle and then murdered her.

Twinkle’s parents took a loan of Rs. 10,000 from Zahid, which they failed to repay.

Akshay Kulhari, the Superintendent of Police of Aligarh, said, “When we started the investigation, the victim’s father informed us that recently he had a heated argument with local resident Zahid over Rs 10,000 that Zahid owed him. Later Zahid was arrested and he confessed to killing the girl with the help of one Aslam. We have arrested both of them for murder.”

The joint team of the local Police of Aligarh and Tappal, Special Operation Group (SOG,) Surveillance Unit and Field Unit arrested Zahid and Aslam.

Mr. Kulhari said, the Police team is probing the case as a National Security Act (NSA) case.

The case created anger amongst people on social media platforms and they asked for justice.

Politicians, leaders and Twitterati expressed their anger against the brutal murder of the girl.