KARACHI: An Afghan diplomat was shot dead inside the Afghanistan consulate on Monday as reported by the Pakistani police. The shooter was also supposedly an Afghan national who open fired on Mohammad Zaki Uro, a third political secretary based at the consulate in the southern city of Karachi.

afghan consulate pakistan

Saqib Ismail, a police official, mentioned to the media, “The guard used his automatic weapon, firing multiple bullets.” The report has apparently established that the cause of homicide was a supposed personal dispute.

Afghanistan’s ambassador to Pakistan, Omar Zakhilwal, confirmed the shooting on his official Facebook account. “Firing inside Afghan Consulate General in Karachi at around 12:30 pm today, has been carried out by an Afghan guard inside the compound resulting in fatality of one of our diplomats. It seems to be a personal dispute related criminal act,” read the post.

the accused who shot the afghan diplomat pakistan

The private security guard Hayatullah has been now arrested and the Deputy Inspector General, Azad Khan, has assured that the situation is under control, adding that the incident did not appear to be an act of terrorism.

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