CRPF soldiers managed to fight off four terrorists that planned a mass suicide mission at the 45th battalion camp in Sumbal, Kashmir. The attack was carried out at 3 A.M., on Monday morning while there was a power outage.

But the CRPF soldiers got an advantage over the terrorists when one of the stray dogs that the CRPF had adopted started barking, alerting two of the jawans.

K. Dinesh Raja, a constable manning one of the gates of the camp that houses thousands of CRPF soldiers, spoke to the media. He said that one of the dogs in the camp started barking when it noticed suspicious movement in the bushes.

He also reported, “ We heard the dog bark and suddenly a burst of fire came from across the road. It seems the terrorists panicked. Two persons were hiding in the bushes and I fired at them. My colleague Prafulla Kumar, who was manning the watchtower also fired from above. Two terrorists were injured in the first round of fire but since they had come to be killed, they charged on.”

Iqbal Ahmad, CRPF commandant reported that the encounter went on for more than an hour. He said, “ There were two more terrorists who had taken position nearby. They provided covering fire to the other two to help them storm the camp. Our Quick Reaction Team was mobilised and in the middle of the encounter, there was an electricity outage. We fired illuminating smokes so as not to lose track of the terrorists as they would have escaped taking advantage of the dark.”

The encounter ended with the death of the four terrorists who intended to cause massive damage in an attack that was ruined by the sixth sense of a dog.