One of the five activists Sudha Bharadwaj reacted to the Pune Police’s allegations and revelation of solid evidence. The evidence claimed by the Pune Police includes thousands of letters and documents which shows the link of the activists in the Maoist Plot.

Ms. Bharadwaj shared a handwritten statement through her lawyer, Vrinda Grover. The statement stated, “It is a totally concocted letter fabricated to criminalize me and other human rights lawyers, activists and organisations.” She also alleged the Maharashtra Police and said, “It is a mixture of innocuous and publicly available facts and baseless fabrication, Various legal and democratic activities such as meetings, seminars and protests have been sought to be delegitimized by alleging that they are funded by Maoists.”

At a press conference event on Friday, the Maharashtra Police shared about the letters exchanged between the activists and Maoists. It spoke of planning an incident to end Modi Raj. In addition, they also said the central committee of Maoist communicated with these activists using a password protected messages sent through courier.

Additional Directorate General (law and order) Parambir Singh said,”One such letter was written by Rona Wilson, a Delhi based activist, to Maoist leader Prakash on the 30th of July, 2017. The letter spoke of the requirement of Rs. 8 crores for grenade launchers with four lakh rounds.”

The police revealed the letters exchanged among the accused related to plotting the end to Modi Raj.