In a recent speech in Goa Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that he understood the risk he was taking and that his life would be in danger after the demonetisation move. Proving this the incident in Mumbai three suspects were arrested in regard to this. In raids on several places in Madurai city, three alleged al-Qaida operatives were arrested on Monday by the National Investigating Agency(NIA).

The National Investigative Agency conducted several raids in Madurai

The National Investigative Agency conducted several raids in Madurai

The Police declared in a statement that these three were planning to attack the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and 22 other top leaders. These accused were also involved in threatening different nation’s embassies in our country.  The accused were identified as M. Kareem, Asif Sultan Mohammed, and Abbas Ali. These three, as said by police, were arrested from different places in Madurai, Karim from Usman Nagar, Asif Sultan Mohammed from G R Nagar and Abbas Ali from Ismailpuram. They were in possession of high-intensity explosive that was seized by the Police.


M. Kareem, Asif Sultan Mohammed, and Abbas Ali were the three accused arrested.

The NIA raided several places on information that suspected activities resembling al-Qaida activists were operating from South Tamil Nadu and In and around Madurai. The Police declined to release any statements in regard to this topic, apart from explosive materials and arms being seized. The trio was accused of running al-Qaida unit in South Tamil Nadu and they were also responsible for several court bombings across the country from past few years. The NIA released that they were also searching for the al-Qaida suspected operatives, Hakeem and Dawood Suleiman.