Sri Nagar: Two youth were killed and three civilians including a woman were injured  when the security-men opened fire on people who were protesting aganist the alleged molestation of a student by Army men in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Tuesday.
Locals from Handwara, started protesting on the streets when the girl was molested by Armymen after she entered a public bathroom.
Two killed three injured in Jammu and Kashmir against molestation by Armymen

Chanting anti-India and pro-freedom slogans, they attacked a military bunker with stones and set it on fire. Chief minister Mehbooba Mufti who was in Delhi then said, the security personnel involved in the killing of the youth will be given exemplary punishment as such incidents cannot be tolerated since these have a “negative impact” on the state government’s efforts to consolidate peace efforts.

Nayeem an aspiring cricket who was killed in this attack became a net session. People started sharing his cricket events and achievements. Jammu & Kashmir’s star all-rounder Parvez Rasool, were being circulated on social networking sites soon after his death.

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