And they have finally spoken out about it! Virat Kohli, the top Indian cricketer, has come out to talk about his lady love – Anushka Sharma. The rumours around the couple were always on a high buzz especially with pictures of them leaving airports and other places together sparked interest. But Kohli has now officially declared his love on the social networking site, Instagram.

A day after the heartfelt holiday of Valentine’s Day, Virat posted a picture of both of them, apparently hanging out in a park saying that every day with her is like a Valentine’s Day. Cue the ‘aww’ music. We are sure that many romantics might have already fallen for their love story and this is just another incident of cuteness that Virat has displayed for Ansuhka.

Last year, he also came out defending her when the Twitterati slashed Anushka for his bad performance. The tweet gained so much popularity that it was in fact put up as the Golden Tweet of 2016! Anushka is surely one hell of a lucky lady to be on the top of her game on the work and love front, and Virat is a blessed boy to be with a girl like Anushka.

We hope that their love story gets a truly happy ending! Here’s to #Anurat!

Read more about this fabulous couple here –

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