Hollywood singer Taylor Swift has decided to keep herself away from social media for a while now. Taylor seems to be loving her break from the cyber world and wants to clear her mind from the hatred and negativity that she has been getting all this time.

Taylor likes to be connected with her fans but the negative comments and the bullies that she has had to face were what made her take this step. The last post on Taylor’s Instagram was three weeks ago where she shared a sketch of singer Lorde’s single Green light.


Twitter post was last done on January end in which Taylor had posted a link to the song – I don’t wanna live forever.  A source added “She will be back to posting more regularly soon. But for now, she is really appreciating detoxing and being unplugged from some of the negative energy online.”

Well, I think the criticism is a part of a celebrity’s life and one needs to accept the way it comes. It is good that Taylor has taken a break from social media but let’s hope she makes a comeback soon!

taylor swift facebook twitter instagram off social media

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