Mumbai: Sensational actress Rakhi Sawant, who always embroils in controversies, has witnessed limelight with a rapid fire round. This time, Rakhi made few confessions about her dreams and hobbies.

Rakhi Sawant

Rakhi Sawant hits spotlight with rapid fire

The 36-year-old dancer said that she dreams about the President of the United States, Barack Obama and Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi,who offered her a seat in the Cabinet. She also made bold confessions. When asked what does she wear to bed at night, she replied, “nothing”. Rakhi also added that she scored many zeroes and have lot of zeroes in her bank account.

The controversial actress of Bollywood said that she wears saree very rarely as it takes a lot of time to wear. She even added that the saree covers her completes and people don’t recognise her.

Take a look at the rapid fire here:

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