In this age of technology, the easiest way for someone to express their thoughts is to get on the digital platform and build up a base. Rahul Bhattacharya, the brains behind Quick Reaction Team (QRT) YouTube channel, is one such man. Initially, his dream was to build a radio station which covered information that the mainstream media does not cover. Something that is new, different and productive. With 13 years of experience in broadcasting and television industry, he started exploring various programs on different platforms. This was when he came on YouTube and had the idea of starting a channel. This was back in September 2015.

Rahul Bhattacharya, the brains of QRT (sitting) with Pranay, anchor in the QRT Channel.

Rahul Bhattacharya, the brains of QRT (sitting), with Pranoy, anchor in the QRT Channel.

After first starting an online dance music station, which had 4 million unique visitors, QRT came into existence as a byproduct of Movement Radio. Initially, the channel didn’t have a particular name. The team randomly interviewed people on roads taking their opinions about various topics. Few months down the lane and with a few episodes to their credit, the name ‘Quick Reaction Team’ was introduced. The channel strategically picks up a topic that is not covered by mainstream media, exposes the people to this idea and records their foremost and immediate reaction to the topic. As Rahul says, “A clean responsible and family channel which is informative yet entertaining is what exactly QRT is.” Reviewed by his mother first, Rahul prefers to keep the channel with clean comedy, running by the book.

At the outset, the channel didn’t face many challenges as they had a clear idea of what to achieve. But with trends changing every day and subscribers looking for better original content, QRT has strived to break through the barriers. Today they have a subscriber base of 2.5 lakhs. Rahul gives credit to his whole team for this feat, who worked relentlessly throughout the uphill task and made it look easy. It mostly was a trial and error process, but things started working out. Especially, regular planning worked like a magic for QRT team. Rahul emphasized on the crucial role talking to people plays in his business. He said, “Talking to people is an art. We do a lot of thinking, and brainstorm the ideas and question we want to ask.

Rahul With Silver YouTube award

Rahul With Silver YouTube award


Rahul also said that “The learning process was very educational. Every mistake is a lesson and reminds us that we have miles to go. Everything beautiful in life is not an easy feat to achieve unless you believe in yourself. There was no magic wand for us to make it happen in a fraction of seconds. Working really hard does make magic happen. Burning the night oil and a clear intention of what you want brought us to where we are today.

He also says that awards are not the only achievement a person or an organization can accomplish. Working as an organization that has a goal to appease viewers, the audience becomes the first priority. For QRT, every positive feedback that they receive from their audience is nothing less than an award. Rahul, in regards to this, said, “We do not need big awards or fancy cash money prizes. We are not celebs, we are normal people. Just open any video from our channel, the first thing you notice in the comments section is positivity. Though there are a few negative reviews, we take each of them as a lesson and work towards improvising it.

To the budding entrepreneurs, he gives a message, “Never think that your ideas and thoughts are normal and mediocre. Your ideas are unique. You will face hurdles, but keep your eyes on the goal and never let your focus waiver.” He also added, “Work relentlessly, never give up. There will be failure, but don’t let them stop you. Always remember, ‘Each failure is a stepping stone to success’. Just be patient and focused while working towards the goal.

The success of QRT is peaking, which can be seen by them being listed in the top Indian independent creators on YouTube Rewind list for 2016!  All the videos uploaded by QRT are creative and have an out of the box concept. The team airs Fresh videos every Tuesday and Friday at 4:00 P.M., IST. Here’s congratulating the team on their enormous success and wishing them the all the best for future.

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