Serving two terms as the President of the United States is no mean feat. Especially as the job entails not only leading America but also the entire world. So we rather think that Barack Obama deserves all the sea and sunshine he can get! That certainly seems to be the case going by the latest pictures of him surfing with wife Michelle and friend and business magnate Richard Branson. After hitting up Palm Spring in the days following his D.C. departure, the former-POTUS spent time on the white sandy beaches of the British Virgin Islands.

Check out these stunning pictures of the long overdue vacation of the Obama’s as they give you reasons to drop the chores and pack the bags!

This swag look that he pulled off as TMZ paparazzied over him!

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This gearing up for the ride of a lifetime!

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This challenging of the waves by the sea!

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This holding on for dear life and he stumbles to get the ride going!

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This funny but cute cut as he falls into the waters!

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This uber cool way of getting back on track!

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And totally killing it btw!

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This playful banter that is enough to make Joe Biden jealous!

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And finally this picture that shows what is true happiness!

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Just goes to show that Obama can be the coolest whether it comes to campaigning or chilling! Happy holidays Obamas!