Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio visited Gunung Leuser National Park in Indonesia on March 27. The actor was seen at the National Park and urged the government of Indonesia to protect Aceh’s natural resources that are threatened by deforestation and palm oil production.


Leonardo shared a photograph and captioned, “Over one quarter of Indonesia’s forests have disappeared in the last 25 years, cut down to make way for fast growing plantations to use in the pulp paper industry (to make the tissues and toilet papers we use) and to make way for palm oil plantations (palm oil is used in soaps, detergents, lipsticks, chocolate, the list goes on…”.

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Director Fisher Stevens and actor Adrien Brody accompanied leonardo to the secret trip. The 41-year-old star also posted a video with Ketambe children and wrote, “Let’s not forget the sweet kids in Sumatra who deserve clean air instead of their lowland rainforests being slashed and burned to make more palm oil.”

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