On the 10th of February, Friday, Today’s Google Doodle honoured Ms. P.K. Rosy, who became the first female lead in Malayalam Film Industry. 

On the 10th of February 1903, Ms. P.K. Rosy was born in the Rajamma region of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Ms. Rosy was passionate about acting from a very young age and fought against the odds of society, which discouraged the performing arts and acting industry, especially for females.  The famous Malayalam actress was known for her bravery, as Ms. P.K. Rosy broke barriers with her roles in the Malayalam film Vigathakumaran released in 1928.  In the film, she played the lead character and gave a new dimension to the then Indian cinema, especially the Malayalam film industry.  Even today, the courageous story of Ms. P.K. Rosy serves as motivation and inspiration for many young talents in the film industry.

On the birth anniversary of Ms. P.K. Rosy, let us know some unknown and controversial facts about her first film as a lead actress in the Malayalam Film Industry:

  1. She was the first heroine in Malayalam cinema and the first Dalit actress in Indian cinema.
  2. Ms. P.K. Rosy played the role of Sarojini, a Nair woman, in the movie.
  3. When the movie was released, members of a community were reportedly enraged to see a Dalit woman portray them.
  4. Her home was reportedly burnt down by upper castes.
  5. Fearing her life, Ms. P.K. Rosy reportedly fled in a lorry that was headed to Tamil Nadu, married the lorry driver, Kesavan Pillai and lived her life as ‘Rajammal’.
  6. She never rose to fame and instead remained secluded from her previous life of acting.
  7. A society of women actors in Malayalam cinema named itself the PK Rosy film society.

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