On Monday night, as Shah Rukh Khan was on his promotional tour for ”Raees” tragedy stuck when an individual died during the promotions. As a part of this promotional tour, SRK traveled from Mumbai to Delhi and when his arrival was announced many gathered in the stations to meet the star. A Stampede was evident as fans wanted to meet their favorite star when a man suffocated and lost his life in Vadodara station.

Shah Rukh Khan

Farid who died during the promotion of ‘Raees’ due to suffocation.

The deceased, Farid Khan was a politician and hotelier and was rushed to the hospital after suffocation but was declared dead on arrival. Farid’s uncle was a journalist who was on board the train and he arrived with his family to greet the star, his uncle, niece and his mother who were on board.

While many have criticized the star for choosing a public transport for his movie promotions, the family of the deceased including his mother asked the nation to not drag the star unnecessarily into the matter. She also thanked Shah Rukh Khan for making necessary arrangements to reach Vadodara after getting down at Ratlam station. The actor helped the family to get to Vadodara after the train reached the Ratlam station in Madhya Pradesh and also assigned his men to take care of the family and the funeral arrangements and proceedings in entirety.

Fans gathered at station to meet the star.

Fans gathered at the railway station to meet the star.

The actor commenting about the deceased said, “One of our colleagues was traveling with us. Her uncle came down to see her at the Vadodara and then he suffered a cardiac arrest. It’s really unfortunate because we’d really thought of this as a journey where we’d all travel and spend time with each other. And you know, when one of your own loses someone on a trip like this, it saddens us all. On behalf of everyone, I’d just like to say that our blessings and prayers are with the whole family. She’s reached there, I just spoke with her. I think the burial is an hour or half and hour. We have some of our people with the family members also, so inshallah, God will bless his soul.”

Shah Rukh Khan once again proved his generosity by helping the family.