After the 2019’s pandemic illness, the World Health Organization (WHO,) released a list of global health issues which would come in 2021.

According to the WHO, the world might have to deal with inadequacies of health systems across many countries.

The pandemic could set back the global health progress achieved in the past 20 years and in 2021.

As per the WHO, the world would need to work hard to repair and reinforce their health systems after the damage done by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ten ways to help countries strengthen their preparedness for emergencies in 2021 are:

1. Build global solidarity for worldwide health security. As per the WHO, countries across the globe need to work together to improve their preparedness for health emergencies.

2. Speed up access to COVID-19 tests, medicines and vaccines:

The WHO aims to achieve equitable access to vaccines and treatments and to ensure a smooth delivery to the needy.

In regard to this, the WHO decided to distribute 2 billion vaccines, 245 million treatments, establish testing for 500 million people in low- and middle income countries and strengthen the health systems.

3. Advance health for all: During the next year, countries would need to strengthen their health systems so that they can respond to emergencies similar to COVID-19. The sudden break out of the Novel Coronavirus was a major setback to health conditions, economic situation and other issues.

4. Tackling health inequities: the WHO would work with countries to address health inequities related to income, gender, ethnicity, education, occupation/employment conditions, disability etc.

5. Provide global leadership on science and data: Countries would need to strengthen the capacity of their health data and information systems to report on progress towards their health related goals.

The WHO also said it would monitor and evaluate all scientific developments around COVID-19 and other emergencies in 2021.

6. Revitalize efforts to tackle communicable diseases:

Next year, the WHO would help countries get vaccines for polio and other diseases to the people who missed out during the pandemic.

7. Combat drug resistance: Countries would be able to beat infectious diseases only if they have effective medicines to treat them.

The WHO said it would also improve global monitoring and continue to support national action plans, ensuring that antimicrobial resistance is factored into health emergencies preparedness plans.

8. Prevent and treat NCDs and mental health conditions: According to the WHO, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) were responsible for 7 of the top 10 causes of death in 2019 and 2020 taught us how people with NCDs were vulnerable to Covid-19. The year 2021 should focus on ensuring that that screening and treatment programmes for diseases are accessible to the needy.

9. Build back better: COVID-19 has given us an opportunity to build back a “better, greener, healthier world” in 2021, the WHO said.

10. Act in solidarity: There is a need for everyone to demonstrate greater solidarity. Nations, institutions, communities and individuals should “close the cracks” in defences.

The Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 infected 80,269,694 people, 1,758,915 died and 56,540,560 people recovered/discharged cases across the world.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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