Amid the worsening situation of the Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19,) the Union Health Ministry issued revised guidelines for home isolation.

On the 5th of January, the Union Health Ministry issued fresh rules for people under home isolation with mild/asymptomatic conditions for the COVID-19 infection.

Some of the  issued guidelines are: 

    • patients under home isolation can end isolation after at least seven days have passed from testing positive and if there is no fever for three days in a row. 
    • They will continue to wear masks. There is no need for re-testing after the home isolation period is over. Earlier, home isolation ended after 10 days from onset of symptoms.
    • A caregiver (someone who received both the COVID-19 doses) should be available 24×7 for patients. 
  • Elderly patients (above 60 years old) people with comorbidities would be allowed for home isolation after consulting a medical officer/doctor.
  • Patient should be in a well ventilated room. 
  • Patients should take fluids and should be hydrated. 
  • Patients should not share personal items with anyone else, residing at home while in isolation.
  • Ensure frequent sanitization and cleaning of items touched by patient. 

The Union Health Ministry took to Twitter and posted the detailed revised guidelines for patients, family members and do’s and don’ts during the home isolation after being COVID-19 positive.

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