Amid the ongoing worsening situation of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19, the social media users outrageous criticism against the Government of India grabbed attention.

Recently, due to the lack of oxygen and worsening infrastructure of medical health, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook users took to their social media handles and criticised the Government for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a devastating second wave of COVID-19 and critical situation of lack of oxygen, beds and other medical help for COVID-19 patients, citizens are voluntarily helping people to fight the situation through their social media handles and posts along with criticism for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP.)

Concerned about the increasing number of criticism, on the 25th of April, the Government of India (GoI) ordered Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to take down dozens of social media posts regarding criticism of the Centre’s handling of the pandemic. Soon after the issued orders, Twitter removed nearly 100 tweets and posts which were harsh criticism from people and opposition politicians and calls for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s resignation.

The given reason behind the orders was to not incite panic amongst people, which could affect people fighting the pandemic.

On Sunday evening, in one of many pleas for help on social media, Ajay Koli took to Twitter to find an oxygen cylinder in Delhi for his mother, who, he said, had tested positive 10 days ago. Mr. Koli said he lost his father on Saturday. “I don’t want to lose my mom now.”

According to the pouring tweets, Mr. Narendra Modi has been under attack for ignoring the advice of experts about the risks of loosening restrictions, not preparing for the second wave and conducting large political rallies with little regard for social distancing and wearing face masks.

Responding to the request of the Central Government. The Twitter officials released an emailed statement. The statement read, “If content is determined to be illegal in a particular jurisdiction, but not in violation of Twitter’s rules, we may withhold access to the content in India only.”

Meanwhile, Instagram and Facebook are yet to respond to the orders of the Central Government.

One of the tweets removed from view was posted by Moloy Ghatak, a labor minister in the opposition ruled West Bengal. In the removed tweet, Mr. Moloy Ghatak accused Mr. Modi of “mismanagement” and held him directly responsible for the deaths. His tweet included images of Mr. Modi and his election rallies beside those of the cremations and compared him to Nero, the Roman emperor, for choosing to hold political gatherings and exporting vaccines during a “health crisis.”

Another tweet from Revanth Reddy, a sitting Member of the Parliament of the Indian National Congress (INC) said, “India recording over 2 lakh cases everyday. Shortage of vaccines, shortage of medicines, increasing number of deaths.”

Soon after the Government’s order, people expressed anger and criticised the Modi Government for dictating Indians and snatching their right to freedom of speech.

Mahua Moitra, the Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader said, “If most citizens are using every single means they have to organize hospital beds, oxygen & logistic support for near & dear what exactly is the Government of India doing?”

Aftab Alam, a professor at the University of Delhi, said, “Because you know it’s easier to take down tweets than it is to ensure oxygen supplies.”

The angry rage of people came at a time when India is witnessing a heavy scarcity of oxygen, beds, medical staff and doctors for COVID-19 patients. India has also become the second worst COVID-19 hit Nation with 3.50 lakh single day spike of COVID-19 cases and more than 2,000 deaths.

As of now, India has more than 17 million positive cases, of which close to 27 lakh people are active cases, dropping the recovery rate to 84 %.

If the situation continues, India would increase it’s daily fatalities and would surpass the United States of America (U.S.A.,) which is the worst COVID-19 hit Nation.

Also read: Delhi HC Says To Hang Anyone Obstructing Oxygen Supplies To Hospital

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