The Wuhan virus’s new variant, Omicron, is rising rapidly in the Telugu State of Telangana.

In the past 24 hours, the Telangana Health Department confirmed a total of 14 new Omicron cases, taking the tally to 38 in the State.  According to sources, on the 23rd of December, the top health official said, of all the 14 detected at the airport, 12 travelers were coming from  non risky countries, whereas remaining were from at risk countries. 

According to the Director of Public Health Dr G. Srinivasa Rao, results were confirmed after conducting genome sequencing tests. 

Meanwhile, as of now, a total of 9,381 passengers have arrived at Hyderabad Airport from 10 “at risk” countries since the 1st of December.  Of them, 259 arrived on Wednesday, the 22nd of December.

In addition, 182 new COVID-19 cases were reported in the State in the past 24 hours, pushing the cumulative tally to 6,80,074.  A total of 196 cases also recovered during the last 24 hours taking the recovery rate to 98.87 per cent. In addition, there are 3,610 active cases are under treatment/isolation.

Stay tuned for further updates. 

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