A 10 days lockdown started from the 12th of May in Telangana. As per the issued notice on the 11th of May, the lockdown was imposed to stop the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19.)  

Guidelines of the imposed lockdown:

The entire State would observe a complete lockdown for ten days, except between 6:00 A.M., and 10:00 A.M.

Activities like grocery shopping, markets, petrol pumps and others would be functional for 4 hours.

For already planned weddings and funerals maximum of 40 and 20 people are allowed respectively.

All religious gatherings are disallowed during the lockdown.

Public transport including bus, taxi, metro and autos would be allowed to function between 6:00 A.M., to 10:00 A.M. However, movement of health care workers and passengers for accessing emergency medical services shall be permitted.

Passenger vehicles shall be regulated on the State borders. However, movement of commodities shall be permitted without any restrictions.

Operation of all Interstate bus and transport services including those by private operators shall stand suspended.

All government, as well as private establishments shall make payments of wages/salaries fully to the workers/employees including those working under contract and outsourcing basis during the above period. Any violation will be viewed seriously and will invite penal action under relevant Act(s)

What are allowed:

Medical services like hospital and diagnostic centers, including vaccination and related activities

Agriculture and related operations

Production, sale and supply of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides/insecticides, agricultural implements and spare parts etc., and movement of these items including those of harvesters, transplanters, tractors and farm equipment.

Procurement operations of agricultural and horticultural produce, including operation of rice mills, movement of produce and hamalies.

Cold storage and warehouses.

Medical shops and pharmacies.

Manufacturing activity relating to drugs and medical equipment.

Movement of medicine, oxygen, vaccine etc.

Essential services like production and distribution of power, supply of drinking water.

Sanitation services in Gram Panchayats and Urban Local Bodies.

Petrol pumps located on National Highways (Petrol pumps located in places other than National Highways shall be open between 6.00 AM and 10.00 AM only.)

Banks/ATMs, Insurance services and related activities.

Print and electronic media.

Supply chain and transport of essential commodities, including milk, vegetables, groceries, dairy products etc.

All security services including those provided by private agencies.

E commerce (delivery) of goods and merchandise including food, pharmaceutical and medical equipment.

IT and ITes, including telecom, postal and internet services. However, in these sectors, work from home shall be encouraged to the maximum extent possible

Movement and distribution of LPG cylinders.

All construction and project activities, where workers are available in situ or in secured labour camps.

Meanwhile, to ensure supply of essential commodities to all, the Telangana Government set up a committee.

The committee would ensure that essential commodities are available in the state throughout the lockdown. The committee has the Principal Secretary to the Government, Agriculture Department, and includes the commissioners of Civil Supplies and Transport; Inspector General of Police, Hyderabad / Warangal; Director, Drug Control Administration; Director, Horticulture; Director, Marketing; Controller, Legal Metrology; and Managing Director, Dairy Development Cooperative Federation.

In addition, the Telangana Police are also on duty ensuring everyone is following the issued guidelines during the lockdown.

The imposed 10 days lockdown would continue till the 22nd of May.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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